Tuesday, March 27, 2012

JustOneDB - NEWSQL looks like Postgresql

I was browsing around some of the add-ons available on Heroku and discovered a NEWSQL style database called JustOneDB. The interesting thing is that to your application, it looks and acts just like Postgresql, but has more of a NOSQL style back end. Of course, that's kind of the whole purpose of NEWSQL anyway, but pretty interesting none the less.

There is a lot of information available on the project yet, but they tie in with Heroku and AppHarbor. I did find an entry on Bloor Research that has a section talking about JustOneDB.

Here's a small section out of their technical data sheet. It looks like they are using a very different storage architecture that may be very compelling. One of the very interesting things their back end apparently provides is fully indexed query performance with actually requiring indexes. Cool. It look like this is a commercial product. Too bad, it would be fun to take a look at how they are doing all of their cool things :)
JustOneDB uses a unique storage model which is neither row nor column based; but instead stores data by relationship. Data is duplicated and compressed along each relationship such that every query encounters data arranged in optimal spatial locality for a given query. This allows JustOneDB to fully exploit the virtuous characteristics of modern hardware such as CPU cache pre-fetch, bulk transfer rates and multiple core architectures to achieve stellar performance on a modest hardware footprint.

  - Craig

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How Eventual is Eventual Consistency? Probablistic Bounded Staleness (PBS)

So I came across this article on eventual consistency on dzone and thought I'd pass it along. I comes from a Riak meetup from last month and talks about calculating what eventual consistency means on dynamo style systems. It's really quite interesting and comes with a link for a calculator. The idea is that if you switch from N=3, R=W=1 to N=2, R=2, N=1 system, how does that effect consistency and at what point in time could you reasonably expect your data to be perfectly consistent.


and a link to the calculator



  - Craig